Perhaps the universe is suspended on the tooth of some monster. Chekhov: Notebooks
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Soundtrack To My Soul
The soundtrack to my soul is a combination of Radiohead's Kid Aand The National's Boxer. That's a tough order to follow. I have never stopped loving Radiohead, but I couldn't really listen to any new Radiohead disks and deeply enjoy them until their 2007 album In Rainbows. Happily, I have been able to go back and really enjoy Amnesiac.
May 11 is the release date for The National's new disk, High Violet. It ain't Boxer. Which is good. But still . . . I'm not sure how a feel about this album yet. You can listen to the whole thing at the NY Times. And it's really interesting article about the band. If you hit this post after they stop streaming it, here's the first single, Bloodbuzz Ohio.
And then out of nowhere comes John Grant's Queen of Denmark,which will more than likely make it on my top ten at the end of the year.
Recorded by and with Midlakelast year in their studio in Texas, they made it their personal mission to get John Grant's music out to a wider audience. Thanks Guys!!This album blew me away the first time I heard it. The BBC is streaming samples of each track here.And here is the first single from the album, I Wanna Go to Marz.
If you are an artist or represent an artist and your virtual travels have brought you to my little cyber world, welcome. If your song is up on my blog, it’s because I like your music.
I tend to only post songs that you have already put out there on places like MySpace. And if the mp3 has been posted by me directly, I put in purchase links whenever possible. Also, I tend to take down my mp3 links within a few months of posting them.
But, I am always happy to take down any links at the artist or artist’s representation’s request.
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